The Wheel of the Year is turning. We moved through the Autumn Equinox at the end of September passing from the astrological sign of Virgo the Virgin, Queen of the Harvest and
Into the sign of Libra which represents justice, balance and harmony.
It’s Scorpio season now- Scorpio being a mystical sign ruled by the planet Pluto, Lord of the Underworld- hence Scorpio’s association with the unconscious.
In Welsh pagan mythology, the Autumn Equinox is known as Mabon, who also is the God of Light and the son of the Mother Goddess.
It’s Mother Earth that provides all that wee need at harvest time. Paganism is about giving thanks and gratitude for this abundance.
The Autumn Equinox is known as the second harvest- the first being at Lammas at the beginning of August.
Halloween or All Hallows Eve is the evening before the Christian feast of All Hallows Day on 1st November, followed by All Soul’s Day on the 2nd November. Halloween, a remembrance of the dead, has earlier roots in the pagan Samhain, which occurs when the sun sign of Scorpio is at 15 degrees astrologically- this year this happens on 8th November.
The ‘fall’, as it is known in the US, is the perfect time for reflecting on the past summer months and preparing mentally for the darker days ahead. By accepting the oncoming colder weather and preparing ourselves, we are equipped for what can symbolically be seen as a descent into the Underworld of our psyche. The ‘Underworld’ has negative connotations, yet if we are prepared to delve deep in our psyche, there are treasures to be found.
At this time of the year we naturally retreat inwards more, a sort of hibernation period. During this time, we can focus on our deeper needs.
You might want to ask yourself “What do I need at this time to make my journey easier, clearer and lighter?
Autumn, like Spring, is a time that we can sew the seeds of ideas or projects so that they may be nurtured in the dark, rich winter soil of our being, and emerging like new shoots at springtime.
It is a good time to slow down and take a look at ourselves- not just in the outward every-day sense, but in a deep sense that involves exploring our shadow selves- the part of ourselves which we may dislike or which we may find too painful or distressing to look at, be with or feel.
Getting in touch more deeply with our inner selves means that we can have the opportunity to get creative, get in touch with our child as well- to nurture ourselves and within and find out what the needs of which makes us stronger and more independent.
Transformational Breath® is the perfect tool to get in touch with our deeper selves, by connecting our breath with a specific breathing pattern, we are accessing our life-force- our aliveness- our divine essence. Tapping into our own inner sun- our life-force, gives us the power to become self-reliant.
The inner flame of our being, which is fueled by the breath is like a torch which can see us through darker days.
Samhain on 31st October is when the veil between this world and the spirit worlds is said to be at its thinnest. This time is like an invisible doorway into the darker portion of the year. Our ancient ancestors marked this time with feasting, bonfires, harvest, prayers and thanksgiving. This is how our ancestors prepared for the dark and cold winter ahead.
So how can the breath help us to prepare for our winter better? We can stay connected to the bright sunny energy of our life force all winter long by doing regular breath practice.
Your 100 Breaths to Joy Breath Practice can be downloaded here:
How can Daily Breath Practice help me?
- To keep your vibration High so that others behaviours affect you less.
- Connecting to source energy, which is your only and infinite supply of abundance.
- Enables you to stay in your power, to say NO and mean it.
- Supports you to put yourself 1st more often.
- Connects you to your intuition, creativity and deeper truth.
- Greatly increases your ability to stay mentally focused for longer.
- Helps your 1-2-1 Sessions be more powerful because your breath deepens and flows more readily.
- Supports the process of forgiving and let go more easily
- Great practice for clearing the monkey mind and letting go of worry.
- Assists greatly in letting go of addictions, bu building inner connection.
- Reduces physical symptoms of dis-ease.