Amongst the fear, confusion and threat of our freedoms been taken away. I would like to offer you Hope, Strength and Wisdom from many wise elders and teachers from all around the globe who are all telling us…
You may already be aware that there is far more going on here than COVID and the lockdown.
What’s happening on a deeper spiritual and metaphysical level is that we are transitioning into a New World.
As the lush Greenfields and woodlands of England land busts into Spring, we are being given a wonderful opportunity to slow down and ENJOY LIFE! and we have time to meditate on what we really want for our future xXx
What a gift this time is for some who can embrace this wonderful opportunity and a challenge this may be for others who may have lost loved ones due to the virus or the harshness of lockdown. The changes that are yet to come will not be so easy for those who choose to cling onto the world going back to the way that it was before lockdown. Its time to buckle your seatbelt’s folks because we’re in for quite a ride, everything is transforming and purging now for the greatest good of all and we need that change, right?
Why do we need this change? Because so many have had enough of working all hours just to pay the bills, Enough of watching so many children starve when so much is thrown away, Enough of unnecessary wars, Corruption, Cancers, Pollution, Species wiped out and Oh so much plastic and our children screaming.
NO MORE THIS HAS TO STOP !!!! Now your prayers are being answered xXx WE ARE READY FOR CHANGE
I realised something was seriously wrong with our governing system 22 years ago when I was called to help with the shift of humanity to a higher vibrational frequency.
I gave up my successful Julie Ann Porter Interiors business in Cheshire and prayed for the guidance of how I could be of the highest service to humanity?
I was divinely guided to put on Ilegal Raves with the intention of opening peoples hearts to see their greatness of God/Goddess within.
To open the minds and hearts of humanity to see beyond this material 3d reality to enable them to higher levels of consciousness and their own I am presence.
After a few years, I hit a ‘learning ceiling’ with psychedelics and trained as a breath worker with distinction.
I then moved to Bournemouth in 2002, to work for Christina Arthemis running Breathwork Training and the rest, as you know, is history.
During my journey of opening and awakening, I am so very grateful that I have been so protected and taken care of…
My higher-/Infinate consciousness/All that’s is/God/Goddess/Great Spirit has continually guided me and supported me to have exactly what I need in any moment and engaged me in a continuous flow of work and play to shift my own frequency and support others to do the same. It’s been an incredible journey to prepare me for these times we are now living in…
I would love to hear from others who have has a similar synchronistic and powerful journeys xXx
Doing inner work with the breath and many other modalities are what has shifted human consciousness to this Perfect Place of Huge Awakening of Humanity, we are in right now.
Many of us lightworkers, star seeds and truth-seekers have come to this planet with the sole purpose of assisting in this awakening process to help with the evolution of Mother Earth. Some of us reawakened 20yrs ago others 30 or 40 yrs ago and some are newly awakened in recent months and years. Everyone is awakening exactly as they are meant to, to bring us to this auspicious time.
Finally, we have done enough work to enable us to leave behind the restrictions and the control of the old Matriarchal Paradyme, we are saying goodbye to those who have ruled over us for far too long. we are seeing through the veil and realising how we have given our power away.
Powerful Astrology Venus and The Pleiades alignment 2-4th April 2020
The last time this alignment happened was on the 3rd of April 2012, many of us thought this shift was going to happen then.
So what does this mean? How is astrology relevant? Pluto and Aries are doing a huge 5yr square dance, which signifies a huge turning point for humanity.
This time has been known for many generations, Its in the stores and prophecies of The Hopi, The Aborigines of Australia, The shamans of Peru and Ecuador, The Mayans, the Hathors of Egypt and it the bible It was known as the apocalypse or the second coming of Christ.
My Spiritual travels around the globe started in 1982 when I visited Spectacular Great Zimbabwe, I have learnt that in all of the stories about who we are and where we are from and why we are here there are many similar stores in all cultures?
Because the tribal leaders never forgot how to be telepathic, I have met shamans and holy men who have kept their rituals and traditions going for 1000’s of years
Mayan Calendar
As we are in the middle of a huge consciousness shift onto a higher vibrational frequency, We are throwing off the shackles and corseted control of the old system in order to make way for a BEAUTIFUL NEW WOLD x
We are already on a New Paradice Consciousness Timeline the old timelines are eroding and we are creating new ones with our Love for this planet and for one another. When we know we are much more than our physical self, that we are an aspect of God and when we connect with that truth, from this place we can absolutely know and trust that we are already on a new timeline. and the darkness and corruption are being revealed.
Because there is so much more love and Intelligence of expanded consciousness Any potential for the ‘New World Order’ to hold us back diminishes when we choose LOVE over FEAR and breathe into the truth of who we are every day, then we have absolutely nothing to
FEAR… False- Evidence- Appearing- Real
Apocalypse has been something we have been taught to be scared of but this is something we can welcome instead.
There is so much LOVE and SUPPORT on the planet form all the work we have been doing, and we have called forth many beings from other demolitions who are here to support us with this shift. This process is revealing all of the dark, and so everyone’s shadow is up individually and collectively.
This full moon on the 7th of May is in Scorpio and ruled by Pluto in retrograde. This means a huge planetary purge is happening right now, we are clearing out the pipes, and it’s not pretty, but it is absolutely necessary. Pluto is the Lord of Change, The King of Transformation and he deals with Karma and deeper aspects of the psyche. This can make us feel week and vulnerable and scared, we are going through this collectively on the inner and the outer levels.
What’s happening in the outer world is that. People are waking and are seeing through corruption and fraud on may level, those who we thought were working in our best interest are going to reveal as wolves I sheep’s clothing, we have already seen what happened Jeffrey Epstein and there will be many more. During the lockdown, there have been many paedophile rings and child traffickers are arrested all over the world.
What does all this have to do with breathwork? Well, everything really, we all have these abuse and control and fear patterns in our ancestral psyche. These patterns including Trauma and PTSD can be integrated beautifully with Transformational Breath®. But first, we need to acknowledge these dark forces because this is an important part of our journey of awakening.
I have been listening to Magenta Pixie’s during the lockdown, you can find her on youtube, she is a channel and author with a huge following.
I met about 10yrs ago when I ran BARAKA a spiritual shop in Bournemouth, she was gifted this 3 step process in a dream a few weeks ago and I would like to share with you…
Step 1 – Acknowledge the dark, know who they are and what their plan is.
Step 2 – Integrate your fear/anger etc (see my video below)
I’m adding 2 more step’s Step 4 – Find gratitude for the lessons the dark have taught us then Love and Forgive them.
Step 5 – Remember to be gentle with yourself this process is challenging and it may take weeks or months xXx
We cannot stand in our power and say NO!!!
If we do not know what we are saying not too.
Yes, they are real, but only as real as our collective shadow psyche if we use this time to integrate and own our own demons and forgive ourself and others this will make our transition into the new world so much smoother.
I would also like to acknowledge that this big reveal is on some levels creating an easily offended and divided culture. What has been going down in our world is shocking and what is coming to the surface now, are things that have been effectively swept under the work out ageing carpeting of our past.
The gift that comes with an easily triggered humanity is that we cannot ignore our deepest issues anymore. It is simply becoming too painful to be in denial of the lack of equality among diverse perspectives, including our health, banking, government etc
We are in a new frontier now, and we are pilgrims of this new era. Our world is in a very necessary full-blown, meltdown, as we simultaneously re-align a higher frequency.
Here is a beautiful soothing song to help you through these times from Lucy Wylde a very talented student of Transformational Breath®
How to receive more BREATHS OF LOVE into Every cell of your body and how to boost your immunity to stay safe, protected and raise your vibration from 3d reality and into the 4th and 5th dimensions of pure higher vibrations frequency these are your keys to freedom Walk or hang out in nature and connect to your divinity Gardening and planting seeds even if its just pots on a balcony Resting, sleeping 8hrs and being gentle with yourself If you cant get into nature visit crystal caves of light in meditation Cleanse your crystals with the elements of moonlight join online meditations there are many Call friends and family for support, allow vulnerability
Dance like nobody looking !!!
Eat high vibe food and dust off your juicer or sprouter Start intermittent fasting it’s so good for your health Join one of many free weekly breathwork sessions being offered Try an online session with me Take good quality supplements Vit C and D, Zinc and garlic Visualise the NEW EARTH we are creating DREAM BIG Have regular Breath Sessions to boost your immunity Join my Free WAKE up and BREATHE morning meditations to integrate any fear.
By raising your vibration this assists in freeing yourself and your family and the children, freeing souls who are still stuck in the matrix.
We are all the children of the new earth
We need not worry because we were already on a timeline heading for paradise consciousness and unity consciousness. When we are vibrating at the frequency of love the dark cannot touch us it’s simply not powerful enough.
This is the great awakening
The Dark Forces have been able to control us for generations, with religion, creating Fear, wars, proper gander through the TV mid control box and mainstream media, corrupt banking system, allowing people to starve with there is plenty to go around, disinformation about our ‘his story’ and who we are, by holding back alternative medicine and many false narratives, but their lockdown has backfired on them because now we all have time to slow down, to meditate and pray and in doing so we are coming together in powerful online communities. The Moses story of the parting of the waves is a great analogy for what is happening right now.
We are in a portal to the NEW WORLD and there is no stopping it now !!!
The truth virus has gone completely viral people are waking up all around the planet, the waves are parting and we are walking right across the red sea into the garden of Eden x
Visualise this breath in the possibility believe it and feel it!!!!
This is the birth of humanity and of our planetary body into a higher vibrational frequency fully embodied Christ Consciousness !!! There never was a second coming of Christ!!! It’s us, we are the embodiments of this light frequency of Love and Unity and Divinity