BREATHING FREEDOM ~ 3 hr Introductory Workshop
Julie Ann Horrox
Merton Hall
Merton House Hall
Newton Stewart
Introduction to the powerful and life-changing workshop, where you can learn the fundamentals Transformational Breath®
This workshop is a 3hour Introduction to the powerful and life-changing Transformational Breath®, which can enable you to find freedom from emotional blocks that cause, Anxiety, Stress, Burnout, Depression and Dis-ease. It includes the following …
Learn what Transformational Breath® is?
How Transformational Breath® works?
Demo …. How we do it?
How to use Transformational Breath® in your own daily practice?
Learn how we eliminate restrictive breathing patterns.
Heal yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Intention setting.
100 Breaths to Joy®
Kundalini and breath meditation.
Experience the benefits of Transformational Breath®
A fully facilitated 1 hour-long powerful Transformational Breath® Session
How Transformational Breath® works?
Demo …. How we do it?
How to use Transformational Breath® in your own daily practice?
Learn how we eliminate restrictive breathing patterns.
Heal yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Intention setting.
100 Breaths to Joy®
Kundalini and breath meditation.
Experience the benefits of Transformational Breath®
A fully facilitated 1 hour-long powerful Transformational Breath® Session
Julie Ann Horrox is a Transformational Breath® Facilitator and workshop leader with 22yrs experience of conscious breathwork. She is an active member of the International Breathwork Foundation, travelling the globe to share her passion for breathwork. She works for the prestigious award-winning Arrigo Program in Somerset, has her own private practice in Glastonbury, Bristol, Cardiff and Brighton. She also organises The Transformational Breath® Personal Development Training Program in Glastonbury.
Empower & Enhance your life with YOUR BREATH……
The breath is our connection to life, by making changes to the way we breathe it can have profound and lasting effects in all aspects of our lives.
Studies show that 90% of us are not breathing correctly, by breathing deeply we have all the oxygen we need for optimum health and detoxification.
Transformational Breath® is a loving and powerful process of self-healing which supports us through life’s changes, life becomes easier to navigate with the help of our own breath.
By learning to open our breath, we can open up to MORE LIFE, transform subconscious behavioural patterns and reactions, clear emotional blockages and fill the space once occupied with fear, with more Love, Joy and Abundance than you dared to dream of.
The majority of pain we experience is down to trapped emotions, this emotional baggage stays with us and disrupts our lives and causes dis-ease and self-sabotage. This can manifest in our lives as stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD and many other conditions.
Talking therapies can help us to move forward in life, but the breath takes us to a deeper level in our process which is untouchable with the mind. To let go, move on from the past and improve our health on all levels, one must first clear the emotional charge and programming from ‘the body’, the breath does this with ease and grace.
If you are looking for powerful and permanent shifts in your body and your life then Transformational Breath® certainly lives up to its name.
Through the profound therapeutic process of Transformational Breath®, Julie Ann will support you to leave your past behind and focus on the future you are creating.
Safely held space so you can go as deep as you like.
Your Investment is £45.00 (plus online booking fee)
Bring a notepad and water bottle, wear loose comfortable clothing preferably trousers and not jeans. Something to lie on like a yoga mat and a sleeping bag or Use a folded duvet and pillow to lie on, have at least 3 extra pillows available in case we need them a blanket or two xXx
Position your body where I can see your breath moving in your body from the side, in a good light, so that I can see your body clearly.
Booking: Right here