How can you teach me to breathe, I’ve been breathing all my life?
Is a question asked most often when I tell people what I do for a living.
Most of the population have severely restricted breathing patterns, 90 % in fact because we hold our breath when we don’t want to feel life’s pain.
Our breath is our ‘go to’ mechanism that controls this emotional pain, if we hurt ourselves physically, we hold our breath. If we feel upset, we have been told to often oh please don’t cry! or have a cup of tea! It’s not that bad! Many of us have been told that crying isn’t ok; so, if we get upset, we hold our breath.
It’s much the same with expression of Anger or even joy, we have been given the message that out aliveness is too much for others and so we put a lid on our self-expression. We bit our tongue when really, we want to shout F*** You!!! At our boss or a college at work.
Then this suppression of anger becomes a pattern and we begin to hold our breath subconsciously, without our awareness, to keep a lid on emotions deemed not acceptable by society!
When we hold onto our emotions the emotional charge of the upset gets stuck in our muscles and our breathing becomes restricted. When this happened to us over and over, for example being told off by our parents or teachers, these subconscious patterns are locked into our body-mind psyche leading to restricted breathing patterns. If not dealt with these suppressed and repressed emotions can manifest as disease in our body, it can take a severe physical sickness sometimes for us to wake up and realise that the divine intelligence of our body is trying to tell us something!
Like “hey you there you need to make peace with the past so that you can move forward in your life!”
Often when I work with a client for the first time and start the journey off with a few simple steps of how to breathe properly, within minutes blocked emotions can come rushing to the surface.
Often they will begin to cry as the emotions release, by continuing to breathe through this emotional pain, with a specific breathing pattern, the emotional charge around that issue is permanently resolved and never comes back.
Clients often report feeling much lighter and freer after a Transformational breath® session
In addition to changing the flow of the breath Trained Facilitators use body mapping to reach these blocked emotions stuck in the muscles of the body.
Facilitators are also trained to support you with Coaching Skills and to bring more awareness to your thought patterns and see how this impacts you, your relationships, affect your mood, you’re thinking and therefore your life.
This combination approach is why we have such amazing success with those who suffer from things like burnout, stress, anxiety, depression or addictions. Transformational Breath® is simple and effective and does exactly what it says on the tin.
Here is a great article that explains what breath workers have known for 40yrs or more, and now the neurological science is catching up with us energy workers xXx