Gratitude For Our Abundant Roots In Mother Earth
Take a moment to slow down to breathe receive the abundance of this bountiful harvest time.
To breathe fully is to live abundantly.
Lughnasadh, or Lammas, fell on the 8th of August this year rather than the 1st when it is usually celebrated.
The sacred and ancient festival of Lammas expands into the whole of August, as it is the first celebration of harvest time when the first fruits and sheaths of corn are gathered.
This old pagan festival of Lughnasadh is a celebration of Lugh, the god of Light- Sun-God who makes the harvest possible- for, without the sun, there is no life on earth- the sun is the life-giver.
This time, especially with the new moon having just been in Cancer and now moved into Leo on 31st July, where it will be for the next few days, is a very auspicious time.
The astrological signs of Cancer and Leo are representative of the alchemical marriage between the Sun (Leo’s ruler) and the Moon (ruling Cancer) Depicted so well here in an old postage stamp.
On a mystical level, this abundant time of year represents the divine union of Sun God and Earth Goddess, and the wonderful ‘offspring’ i.e. fruits of the earth that they produce in abundance around this time. This time of year can also be a reflection or metaphor for our own internal/external abundant growth and development.
For our ancestors, on this land, Lughnasadh would’ve been an incredibly significant time, it’s the first harvest of the year, and the fruits of the harvest would have been preserved where possible, for the winter months ahead.
The tribes would’ve gathered and celebrated with feasting, singing dancing and making love, which seems to be trade-marks of all the pagan festivals, acknowledging life in all its aspects, as well as the cycle of death and rebirth.
And this acknowledgement, celebration and abundance
are reflected in our breath- the Breath of Life.
Transformational Breath® connects us directly to our
own LIFE FORCE our God and Goddess within!
In our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook life’s simple pleasures, our bodies, our feelings and the fundamental thing that gives us life- our breath.
We disconnected from life during challenging times and hold your breath in order to stop the pain we feel when we stop breathing and disconnect from life, we become totally unaware of our breath, our breathing patterns or the simple pleasure and rhythm of our breath.
When we learn to breathe correctly and connect to our LIFE FORCE we can integrate the past and receive so much more of life’s abundance.
When our breath shuts down to keep us safe we are also closing down
our capacity to receiving Love Joy Energy or Money xxx
Harvest time is a time to look at how much more of these things we would like to reap in our lives, I’ve checked this gorgeous bless out, Londonhe certainly knows how to live abundantly.
The abundance of life is all around us at this time of Lammas.
As we breathe in the abundance of oxygen all around us, we realise that this is only made possible by the trees and plants, the lungs of the earth, which produce oxygen for us, we realise how profoundly abundant we are.
We all know this, but sometimes we have to get back to basics and remind ourselves of the interdependence we have with nature.
When we take our time to slow down and just be in the moment and watch the grass blow in the wind, the bee’s buzzing around flower heads, butterfly’s dancing on the breeze.
While noticing our breath which sustains us and keeps us alive. Then we realise how truly blessed abundantly we are. When we slow down, take time out, and breathe with Gaia at this most special time of year.