Welcome to a brand new decade,
2020 is your opportunity to create a new way of living.
Astrologically, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn at the beginning of the year represented a historical and dynamic change for the world and for us individually
Now is the time to cut ties to people and things that no longer serve us,
so that you are able to move forward on your Path of Awakening
and commit to being true to your authentic self.
My awakening kicked off fully 20 yrs ago when I began having breathwork sessions with this amazing woman Christine McCallum in Manchester.
Sadly she passed away just before Chrismas. Therefore I decided that all of my newsletters this year are going to be dedicated to Christine Mccallum because she had such a hugely positive impact on my life.
For the start of 2020 I will be Gifting you FREE Training with insights I learned from her wisdom and kindness, to support you to connect more deeply to the love that you already are.
I would not be a breath worker if I hadn’t met Christine McCallum- I have so much to be grateful for that came from her loving and supportive guidance.
Here is a small selection of amazing events I have been part of this year, none of this would have been possible without her encouragement, and belief in me.
The beginning of a New Decade 2020 is the perfect time to reflect on the last decade and/or year, with Thanks and Gratitude for all that we have achieved and to contemplate how we might do things differently during the following decade – even the smallest changes can vastly improve our lives.
We could simply start by saying ‘YES’ to life! by committing to invite more positive experiences and opportunities into our lives. The more we say ‘YES’ to life, the more we loosen restrictions and go with the flow. By committing to our daily practices.
‘YES’ to life. own breath and breathing and receiving more oxygen we are saying yes to life.
During the process of opening up our breathing pattern, we are facilitating a natural state of abundant prosperity and receptivity, thus remain open to receive many more blessings and miracles into our lives. By the action of accepting MORE life-force via the breath, into our body, mind and Spirit, with AWARENESS and INTENTION, we are saying ‘YES’ to life.
YES to our inner fire and Passions.
January and February is the Time of the Returning Light, the fire – not only literally, as the days are gradually getting longer and the Sun returns, but also metaphysically as in the more light and consciousness that comes into the world, the more darkness is revealed.
This is a very necessary process for the awakening of humanity,
though it can seem as if things are getting worse as we have seen in recent Global events.
Yes, we are living in a time of crisis- the very place in which we live- Gaia- is under threat as are many life-forms upon her. Yet, this is also a time of Great Awakening, when we, the custodians of the earth, are waking up to our responsibilities as caretakers, and we are also waking up taking responsibility for our thoughts feelings and emotions, awakening to our greater selves- our true spiritual selves.
The Celtic festival of Imbolc falls on 1st February and heralds the first hint of spring. Imbolc represents the ‘quickening of the year’, and, just as the early stage of pregnancy shows in the swelling of the belly, so the first signs of spring manifest in the first shoots of the awakening of the earth as the snowdrops appear.
Imbolc celebrates Brigid- a Celtic Goddess who was later integrated into the Christian Church as St.Bride. Brigid is the Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft- a Goddess of Fire, the heart and hearth. It was said that Brigid brings fertility to the land, and is connected with childbirth and midwives She is the maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess.
St Brides Mound is a lesser-visited sacred site of Glastonbury which is situated behind The Redbrick Building and well worth a visit x Syncronisticaly I have been living on St Brides Close for the last 5 years during the period when my youngest, has been blossoming into her maiden phase of life !!!
Can you feel the quickening in Patcha mama? If we take time to tune into her energies- despite the fact that it’s the coldest time of the year, and most of the plant life is dormant, there is a stirring underground. If we tune into ourselves, we may feel this ‘quickening’ in our own bodies as a kind of excitement- new creative ideas or business ventures may come to light and take form if we take time out to breathe, meditate and walk in nature and give the earth our attention.
We may also feel a need to clear out the old in a practical way but getting rid of clutter, decorating or spring cleaning. These are all good pursuits to do at this time before the Wheel of the Year spins into a more active, outward phase.
The time of resistance is over- ‘whatever we resist persists’. 2020 is HERE!
What have you been resisting or hiding from?
It could be speaking your truth to someone?
Clearing out that cupboard full of junk?
Finishing a project?
Starting that book?
No More Procrastinating!!!!
Sign up for that workshop or training?
This is the time to let go of the riverbank of your fears or self-doubts, time to go with the flow- to trust in life, trust in yourself and your own breath to guide you. If you can tune into the very essence of Life, the earth and the most precious thing you have- the breath- YOUR breath- OWN it- use it for healing for transformation- the time is here- the time is NOW!
If you are too skint to pursue your dreams
watch this video and learn how I manifested the cash to pay for two
Breathwork Training Programmes
Click here to receive the FREE TRAINING